Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Not so long ago I was introduced to a movie called "The Secret." This movie, as it has for many others, has changed my life. No, I am not suddenly wealthy. But it has taught me a ton about my self, love, happiness, my belief in God, and life in general.

Before watching "The Secret" I lived an ordinary life. Just going day to day, worring about debt, hoping for more, but always having a negative perspective. I awakened every morning dreading going to my boring job, feeling worthless, and sometimes even dreading going home to what I considered a second job I was not getting paid for. I was failing at school and I felt like I was failing at everything else as well.

"The Secret" opened my eyes to what I had always hoped and believed was true, but never really understood. Now, I can't wait to wake up, I know that my debts will soon be a bad memory, I have more, and I am completely positive. My job is no longer a job, it is a fun way to pass the time until my true passion arrives. I love spending time with my family and helping others. I am not failing at school or anything else and I now feel needed and wanted. I am passionate about everything I do and I now know what I want in life. Still not exactly sure how to get there, but I know it will appear before me like a brick wall to stop me in my tracks and direct me in a new path.

I now understand why I am where I am in life and what I can do to change it if I choose. There is so much more to life than most people know. Most people go through life thinking they are stuck with what God has given them. They play the cards they were dealt. Well, I am proud to say that this is not true. We are each a piece of God, not his puppets. Everything we think God controls in our lives, we actually control ourselves. It is because of my choices that I live they way I do, and have the things I have.

Every day we make choices. Each of those choices are paths in our map of life. And every choice we make either has repercussions or rewards. It is not based on cause and effect, it is based on the Law of Attraction. We attract what we think, feel, say, and do. Just like the Law of Gravity, what goes up must come down. The Law of Attraction says, what we think, feel, say, and do will happen. If we think about bad things, we get bad things. If we think about good things, we get good things. Bad repels, good attracts. It is simple.

Here is an example I experienced just last week. I was thinking about taking my son to see Nutcracker at our local theatre, but I didn't know how to pay for it since I was low on cash. Rather than thinking about not having cash, I decided to think of how I would get the cash. I decided to let the Law of Attraction work for me. The most important thing I have learned about the Law of Attraction is that whatever you give you get back multiplied, whether it be good or bad. So I decided to see what I could do to help someone else. I found a family online that was in need of help for Christmas. They, like myself and many others, are short on cash for the holidays. They had posted an ad for donations that would help their children and other families in need have a better Christmas. So me and my son went through his toys, to find things he did not want or need any longer. We even found some toys he had never used or even opened and had now out grew of the need for them. I called the family and told them I had some items. They came and picked them up and were ecstatic. This made me feel good about helping someone else. The very next day I was at work talking with my boss about how my son showed interest in the Nutcracker. He almost immediately reached into his pocket and gave me the money to go to the show and would not take no for an answer. I graciously thanked him and excitedly called my son and told him. Later that same evening I received a phone call from my financial advisor at school. She said I was going to receive a grant and after school was paid I would get about $600 that was left over. Now, I won't get this money until sometime in January, but at least I know it is coming. Both of those good things happened because I had shifted my thoughts away from not having enough money to what can I do to get more. I was thinking positively and I was in-turn rewarded more than I felt I had given. It was a simple decision to change my thoughts from bad to good.

These things happen every day. For example; say you are running late for work and you are upset about it. Guess what, every light will be red and you will still be late. Try changing your thoughts to good. Call your boss, let them know you are running late and take your time. I'll bet you get there sooner. Just a simple change in thought is all it takes. Most people do not recognize a choice as simple as this can set the course for their lives. The good news is that it is never too late to start. Just because you didn't make the right choice yesterday, does not mean you can't make tomorrow different.

Keep up with my future blogs. I will show you the changes taking place in my life and what could be changing in yours.

My recommended watches and reads:
(In this order)
1. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
2. The Power by Rhonda Byrne
3. The Shift by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


  1. I have got to say that your story has definately inspired me. Thank you soo much!!

  2. i know of someone once very close to me who had the same experience after watching that movie.
