Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Wow, it has really been a long time since I've been on here. I need to update. Meet my new little man. Little B - short for Brian Michael Counihan III. He was named after the most wonderful man I have ever met who just happens to be the love of my life. I am totally in love with my life and I know it is only going to get better. The only complaint I have is that I wish I could spend more time with my family and less time at work all while still making the same money ofcourse. lol. Oh it will happen. I am at a loss because I love my job, but I oh so want to be the soccer mom type. lol. I want to be there to take my kids to school, or better yet homeschool. I want to be able to take Dominick to his tennis meets that always seem to occur during school hours. (Whats up with that anyway?) I want to be able to breast feed for every meal rather than pumping in the bathroom at work. (Not very fun) Speaking of breastfeeding... I have a rather large 7 month old.(wears 24 months clothes) People are already giving me weird looks as though I'm breast feeding a teenager. He is only 7 months old people. I plan to breast feed him as long as we both want to. I dont care if he is 4 years old and still wants that comfort and bonding with me or even if he just wants a snack. I dont see anything wrong with feeding my child no matter how old he is. God forbid, but if he were 10 years old and we were stranded somewhere without food and water, I hope I will still have some breastmilk. At that point I am pretty sure he would not want it, but in a matter of life and death no matter how old, I hope I can still provide for my children. He is already starting to wean though. I can tell. He has cut out a few feedings throughout the day. I'm sure this is due to him starting solid foods. I always try to breastfeed before I give him foods though. I love breastfeeding and I love cloth diapering. I also love not having to buy formula and diapers. :)
I just need to not worry what other people think, but I am only human.

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